“Yeah, but Why?”

I'm told I was born skeptical, questioning my own existence and constantly asking, "how" things work. Naturally, I was drawn to science. But as I grew up, I realized that life wasn't just about testing hypotheses. The complexity of our minds, emotional systems, and mental health is extraordinarily intricate. As a skeptic and scientist struggling with my own trust issues, I found neuroscience to be a safe vehicle for understanding my own mental health. It also allowed me to create specific protocols for expressing my own weird spectrum of emotions. Ever since, I've fallen in love with the brain and dedicated my professional life to helping skeptical minds, like myself, open up their emotions, build deeper relationships, and get out of their own way.


About Dr.Chris

Dr. Chris Lee: Leading the Way in Neuroscience-Based Consulting
When you’re stressed, you’re slow, sick, stupid and make mistakes. 99% of the problems we face never become manifest in our physical reality, so I’m here to help regulate and rewire those neural pathways to optimize workplace performance, communication and productivity.

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Just because

This part is meant to have something inspirational on it but honestly just look at how cute my little girl is… shes awesome. Anyway as you were.

(Insert inspirational Quote of your choosing)